I Found This!

October 2016

Quantity Queries for CSS

We all want to be able to ensure lists of ‘things’ on the web look good, but an uncertainty of quantity means we can lose control. Not so! We can count using CSS selectors. Hooray!

Quantity Queries for CSS

You Might Not Need JavaScript

Some handy methods for coding functional UI components without having to rely on JavaScript. Accordion, Tabs and Lightbox look particularly handy.

You Might Not Need JavaScript

Progress Button Styles

How good are these animated buttons for showing progress! I intend to use these on web design projects as soon as I can. I guess some JavaScript would be needed to get these working with file uploads though?

Progress Button Styles


A rather handy collection of CSS hover effects that you can use on buttons and that. Bookmark it!


‘I found this!’ is a month-by-month list of useful tools and resources – related to web design, illustration and code – that I’ve found during my time researching. Follow me on Twitter for updates.

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