Web Design 1 of 3 • NFAN website

The website as viewed on a desktop computer

Web Design 2 of 3 • NFAN website

Detail showing some of the illustration and UI elements

Web Design 3 of 3 • NFAN website

The design as viewed on a modern laptop computer



An e‑commerce responsive web design and development project. I also designed the logo for the company.

The site adjusts in size and layout to work and display well across all devices. For e.g. mobile, tablet and desktop.

Website powered by Craft CMS.

  • Creative visual web design

  • On–page SEO elements
  • Hand–coded, semantically correct, search engine–friendly HTML, CSS & JavaScript coding
  • Set–up and integration of Content Management System (CMS)
  • Logo design & brand development
  • Mobile & web app UI design
  • Site planning, consultancy, strategy & architectural decisions

Interested? Fill in the enquiry form, email kev@kevadamson.com, or call on 07974 697740.

But before you do, you may wish to read this article from my blog: ‘What I need to spin a good web’ – it may help you provide me with the information required to deal with your enquiry effectively.

Me, but elsewhere

Stuff like my Blog & Social Media etc …

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