Web Design 1 of 3 • SVN2FTP website

Close – up on laptop screen showing the logo design and other various illustrated elements

Web Design 2 of 3 • SVN2FTP website

Detail showing the character illustrations plus hand – rendered UI elements

Web Design 3 of 3 • SVN2FTP website

The design shown in full on a laptop screen



A personal project in collaboration with Behind​De​sign​.co​.uk.

Web design and development using HTML5 and CSS3 for a service that offers SVN / subversion hosting direct to FTP.

I also designed the logo and produced the character illustrations.

  • Logo design & brand development

  • On–page SEO elements
  • Preparation & optimisation of elements for animation
  • Hand–coded, semantically correct, search engine–friendly HTML, CSS & JavaScript coding
  • Character design & development
  • Creative graphic design
  • Bespoke illustration
  • Creative visual web design
  • Site planning, consultancy, strategy & architectural decisions

Interested? Fill in the enquiry form, email kev@kevadamson.com, or call on 07974 697740.

But before you do, you may wish to read this article from my blog: ‘What I need to spin a good web’ – it may help you provide me with the information required to deal with your enquiry effectively.

Me, but elsewhere

Stuff like my Blog & Social Media etc …

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