Graphic Design 1 of 2 • BOCS logo

A photo of the logo on the front of the building

Graphic Design 2 of 2 • BOCS logo

A cheeky animation to help sell the idea


Logo design for North Wales based self storage company.

I also named the company and produced various print stationery and adverts, as well as designing and building their website.

  • Site planning, consultancy, strategy & architectural decisions

  • Logo design & brand development
  • Hand–coded, semantically correct, search engine–friendly HTML, CSS & JavaScript coding
  • On–page SEO elements
  • Creative visual web design
  • Set–up and integration of Content Management System (CMS)

Interested? Fill in the enquiry form, email, or call on 07974 697740.

But before you do, you may wish to read this article from my blog: ‘Let’s not waste any ink’ – it may help you provide me with the information required to deal with your enquiry effectively.

Me, but elsewhere

Stuff like my Blog & Social Media etc …

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