Graphic Design 1 of 1 • BOCS logo

A photo of the logo on the front of the building


Logo creation for a self-storage business located in North Wales.

I also came up with the company name and developed a range of printed materials and advertisements, in addition to designing and constructing their website and producing this logo animation animation.

  • Creative visual web design

  • Site planning, consultancy, strategy & architectural decisions
  • Logo design & brand development
  • On–page SEO elements
  • Set–up and integration of Content Management System (CMS)
  • Hand–coded, semantically correct, search engine–friendly HTML, CSS & JavaScript coding

Interested? Fill in the enquiry form, email, or call on 07974 697740.

But before you do, you may wish to read this article from my blog: ‘Let’s not waste any ink’ – it may help you provide me with the information required to deal with your enquiry effectively.

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