I Found This!

January 2017


Parallax effects are still pretty popular in web design, and can add a nice touch - if done nicely without performance effects and/or overused. This one looks light and smart.



OK so this all depends on whether you even like this kind of music, but I’m all for discovery, plus I’m a sucker for a nice design concept. Nice nod to the IDE aesthetic. Sublime.


Nunito Sans

I’m a little guilty of over-using Open Sans, so this very tidy font could be a way of breaking that habit.

Nunito Sans


SVGs are the future. This looks like a very hand on-line tool for finding and creating SVG font icons.


‘I found this!’ is a month-by-month list of useful tools and resources – related to web design, illustration and code – that I’ve found during my time researching. Follow me on Twitter for updates.

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