I Found This!

February 2017


I’ve wanted to use Sketch for a while, so this similar web based tool that works on any OS - and even in the browser - is something I’m keen to have a play with. I’m still a big Fireworks fan believe it or not!


Brutalist Framework

‘All websites look the same’ they said. Well here you go, HAVE SOME BRUTALISM. Like it or loath it, Brutalism is the ultimate web2.0 antidote. I need to blog about it.

Brutalist Framework

CSS Checkboxes

I have a project in progress that is very form heavy, and I intend to use one or more of these clever checkbox CSS methods to make things look smart. I like.

CSS Checkboxes

Commit Print

Unfortunately my own Github footprint would only create a few dots, but I can see these being a clever addition to some of my programmer mates studio walls. Great nerdy idea.

Commit Print

‘I found this!’ is a month-by-month list of useful tools and resources – related to web design, illustration and code – that I’ve found during my time researching. Follow me on Twitter for updates.

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