I Found This!

March 2017

Brand New

A great resource for all things brand and logo design related. I also love their own logo and the design of the website. Very nice.

Brand New

Ratio Buddy

If I’m honest I have no idea how or when I would use this, but boy am I a sucker for cartoon faces on big flat colour spaces!

Ratio Buddy


I’m a big fan of animated logos. I usually use CSS keyframes to do my bidding, but this method combines the goodness of SVG with the fun of animation via a simple drag and drop. I WANT!



More SVG goodness here. This is a chrome extension for debugging SVG paths by converting them to outlines and displaying anchors, control points, handles and arc ellipses.


‘I found this!’ is a month-by-month list of useful tools and resources – related to web design, illustration and code – that I’ve found during my time researching. Follow me on Twitter for updates.

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