I Found This!

April 2018

Multibox Menu

Loving this multi-box menu. As soon as a suitable project comes along I'm going to be copying this!

Multibox Menu

Fake 3D Effect

This is nice and would certainly suit some websites with a certain brand style. It uses depth maps and WebGL.

Fake 3D Effect

CSS Adventure Game

Called "The Mine". Actually only uses HTML and CSS to create. All comes down to which checkbox is checked. Absolute genius, and one of those "why didn‘t I think of that" moments!

CSS Adventure Game

CSS Star

How to make a star shape using a single HTML div tag and comes CSS. Simple!

CSS Star

‘I found this!’ is a month-by-month list of useful tools and resources – related to web design, illustration and code – that I’ve found during my time researching. Follow me on Twitter for updates.

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