
La-la-la! Manchester! La-la-la! A great northern powerhouse of a city. The museums, the dockyards, the Gallaghers.

I provide a web design service remotely to many clients in Manchester and the surrounding area.

With regular communication via chat software, emails and conference calls, keeping a project running smoothly regardless of location is not a problem.

A quick Google search for web designer manchester” or web designer near me” means I may not show on the first page of your results, but I’m actually not that far from Manchester – a pleasant 1 hour-ish trundle by car down the A55 – so face-to-face meets are very doable.

Are you an individual, start-up or design agency over Manchester way? Impressed with what you see in my portfolio? Have a project you would like me to quote for? Then please don’t hesitate in sending over the details, our kid’.

BadgerBear / Monkey
My Clients
Warner Music Group Rosewood Royal Navy The Leela AT&T Harper Collins Samsung Missoni IMG De Montfort University Marriott Sony Karl Tatler Aman Betfair University of Westminster
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Me, but elsewhere

Stuff like my Blog & Social Media etc …

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