Payment Terms

Being the nice chap that I am, I am pretty accommodating in terms of payment – as long as any delay or situation is communicated to me clearly and in good time, a solution to suit both parties can often be reached without any further action.

But, at the same time, I need to protect myself and my business. So here are my standard payment terms:

  • Payment terms are strictly 28 days (net) from invoice.
  • Late and non payment will incur interest.
  • Interest will automatically be applied and charged at an annual rate of the statutory 8.0% (+ The Bank of England base rate at invoice date) of the total debt and will be back dated from the original invoice date should payment not be received within 14 days of the latest due date.
  • Interest will be charged on a daily basis (including weekends and bank holidays) until payment is received in full.
  • If a reminder notice is required then a charge of £25 will apply each time one is sent.
  • In the event of non payment all copyright will remain the property of KevAdam​som​.com Ltd and all permissions revoked until payment is received in full.
  • All costs associated with recovery of a debt will be charged in full including legal fees, court costs and an hourly charge of £45 per hour for administration.
  • Any variation is at the sole discretion of Kev Adamson T/A KevAdam​son​.com Ltd and will only be valid if confirmed in writing.
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