I Found This!

October 2018

CSS Battle

Replicate target images using CSS - shorter the code, higher the score! I love this idea! Now to find the time to play it!

CSS Battle

Color Designer

The main purpose of this tool is to help with building a color palette and generate tints and shades based on it.

Color Designer


Design, build, and ship coherent experiences with Nordhealth’s design system. I think it all looks rather nice!



A constantly updated design project with beautiful SVG images that can be used completely free and without attribution.


‘I found this!’ is a month-by-month list of useful tools and resources – related to web design, illustration and code – that I’ve found during my time researching. Follow me on Twitter for updates.

My Clients
Samsung IMG Rosewood De Montfort University Aman Missoni The Leela Royal Navy Warner Music Group University of Westminster Betfair Harper Collins Sony Marriott Karl Tatler AT&T
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